Cornish Food: Handmade beetroot chutney from Crellow

What better to go with that fine Cornish Helford White cheese yesterday than a fine Crellow beetroot chutney?

Beetroot is still under appreciated in my book – great boiled, roasted, in salads, as a soup, as Borscht…yes, well anyway, trust me on this.

Crellow have made a great little chutney of theirs, at their HQ in Tregony.It is just one of their range of chutneys, relishes, jellies and other condiments. Almost everything is chopped by hand, stirred with a wooden spoon and cooked in small preserving pans, this gives our products their unique textures and flavours.

Not too sweet but retaining the slightly sweet taste of the beet it counteracted the astringent awesomeness of the cheese like a cranberry sauce does with Brie.

It is just one of a range of products the Richards family produce.

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